Independent holidays by train
Settle back and watch the world pass by your window on a tailor made rail holiday
Tailor Made Rail offers holidays by rail throughout Europe and beyond, including public services and privately-run luxury trains like the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express
There are no set departure dates, so you can choose when you would like to go and our experienced buy propecia finasterideand well-travelled team can construct bespoke itineraries to suit you, taking care of all rail tickets and hotel accommodation on your behalf so you can relax and enjoy the ride
Popular holiday ideas
Destinations by rail
How does it work?
Your tailor made holiday planning starts right here! Choose when you would like to travel and where you would like to go. Think about whether you want to experience lots of places and journeys in a short time or would rather base yourself in one place with a nice journey to get you there and back, possibly with stops along the way to make things as relaxed as possible.
Whether you simply come to us with a wish list, or a detailed plan of action, or simply choose a suggested itinerary off the website, we will be able to help plan your perfect holiday.
- Holidays by rail tailored to suit your preferences
- Option to travel independently and decide activities spontaneously
- Travel arrangements
- Guided tours
- Special tickets and passes
- Customisable packages to enrich your holiday experience
- Explore options to enhance your travel plans
Customer Reviews
Rail holiday inspiration
Tailor Made Rail offers holidays by rail throughout Europe and beyond, including public services and privately-run luxury trains buy cialis onlinelike the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express