Where Does the Orient-Express Go?
The Venice Simplon-Orient-Express may have a famous Italian city in its title, but there are plenty more destinations that this luxurious train serves. Find out which cities the Venice Simplon-Express goes to here.
You can also browse our suggested holidays with the Venice Simplon Orient Express on our dedicated page.
If you’re leaving from London, you will probably depart from Platform 2 of Victoria Station. This is where you will check in at the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express lounge and leave your luggage to be taken onboard by the smartly dressed stewards.
All Venice Simplon-Orient-Express services travelling in either direction on the Venice route will stop at Paris. It’s possible to board the train here, but you can no longer disembark (if you’ve just come from London). The one-yearly service from Berlin to London will also stop here – more on that later.
On the journey from Venice back to London, the train stops at Innsbruck and it’s possible to board here, as we suggest in our Alpine Lakes and Mountains and the Orient Express holiday. Innsbruck is the regional capital of Tyrol, surrounded by mountains and bisected by the glacial River Inn.
On the southbound journey from London to Venice, it’s possible to disembark in Verona (as in our Orient-Express and Opera in Verona holiday). You can also enjoy an Italian rail holiday finishing in this historic city and return to London with the Orient-Express.
As the name suggests, the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express finishes its journey from London in Venice. Whether you travel north to south or south to north from Venice back to London, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience.
Once a year, usually in June, the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express makes a journey from fascinating German capital Berlin back to London. Why not travel out by rail and add stops en route before boarding the gleaming carriages of the Orient-Express for a journey back to London?
Twice a year (usually May and October), there is a journey from Venice to London aboard the Venice Simplon-Orient Express which travels via Prague. You can join the train in Venice and travel to Prague with 2 nights in the Czech capital before your onward journey. Or simply join the Orient-Express in Prague as per our suggested itinerary.
There are three departures a year from Budapest to London – usually one in May and two in October. We recommend making your way there with a comfortable sleeper service via Vienna and then returning aboard the Orient-Express after a couple of days to explore the Hungarian capital.
The Budapest service also calls in Vienna so you can also choose to travel here by public train, spend some time enjoying the sights and then return aboard the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express.
The granddaddy of luxury journeys, this was the original route of the Orient-Express which Agatha Christie herself would have taken. It only runs once a year (in August) from Paris, and sells out very quickly, so if you fancy a 5-night experience of a lifetime, with stops in Budapest and Bucharest as well as 3 nights onboard, then it’s best to start thinking a year ahead! Alternatively, you can easily travel by public trains to Istanbul. Have a look at our suggested itinerary to find out how it’s done.